Important dates in the history of the Mary Rose.
Henry VIII born at Greenwich
Henry VII commissions dry dock at Portsmouth
Henry VIII becomes King of England
Mary Rose and Peter Pomegranate ordered to be built at Portsmouth dockyard
Find out more about Peter Pomegranate
Find out moreBoth ships transferred from Portsmouth to London for ‘fitting out’
The Mary Rose sets sail under the command of Lord Admiral Edward Howard
This was her maiden voyage as a warship
Battle of Saint-Mathieu, the first battle for the Mary Rose
Find out moreMary Rose escorts Henry VIII to the Field of Cloth of Gold
Charles V taken aboard the Mary Rose
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, taken aboard the Mary Rose by Henry VIII at Dover
Mary Rose repairs in Portsmouth and then taken to Deptford for re-caulking
Henry VIII excommunicated from the Catholic Church
Henry VIII appointed Supreme Head of the Church of England
Dissolution of the Monasteries
Drunken Mary Rose mariners attack a Portuguese merchant vessel on the Thames
Find out moreSiege of Boulogne
Anthony Roll, inventory of English Navy presented to Henry VIII
It includes the Mary Rose, which had sunk the previous year
Find out moreHenry VIII dies
Mary Rose re-discovered
Gosport fishermen report nets being snagged in Solent and Mary Rose re-discovered
Find out moreDeane salvage operation
From 1835-40, many of the objects recovered were turned into souvenirs.
Find out moreAlexander McKee launches ‘Project Solent Ships’ in search of the Mary Rose
Alexander McKee: a tribute to discovererTrench reveals a wrought-iron gun, confirmed as Tudor
First timbers of the Mary Rose discovered
Mary Rose Trust excavations begin
Protection of Wrecks Act passed
Mary Rose designated as a protected wreck site
Mary Rose Trust established
Find out moreMary Rose sprayed with chilled water
Stem post timber and portside timbers found
Between 2003 and 2005 stem post timber and portside timbers were found during further Mary Rose Trust excavation at wreck site funded by MoD
Find out moreNew (and current) Mary Rose Museum opens
Drying out begins
Conservation spray treatment of Mary Rose ends and drying phase begins
Mary Rose enters final phase of conservationDrying ends
Drying ends and Ship Hall re-developed for new visitor experience
Mary Rose Museum re-launched
Mary Rose Museum re-launched with enhanced view of ship from context galleries
40th Anniversary
Anniversary of the raising of the Mary Rose
Dive the Mary Rose 4D launches
Find out more