Open today: 10:00am - 5:30pm

Jobs and volunteering at the Mary Rose

Want to join our multi-award winning team at the Mary Rose Museum?

Whether you’re looking for jobs, postgraduate placements, internships and PhD projects or just thinking about volunteering, we’re always looking for people to join our team.

Mary Rose Information Group Speakers (Volunteer)

The Mary Rose Information Group is a group of volunteer speakers who give talks on the Mary Rose to U3A, Probus, historical societies and other interested groups.

Our aim is to have speakers all around the country so we can share the history of the Mary Rose with as many communities as possible. We are always on the lookout for new speakers – would you be interested in volunteering?

Contact our team via [email protected] for more information.

Find out more about the Information Group
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Join our award-winning team of volunteers
