Open today: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Flag Officer Club

The Flag Officer Club is how the Mary Rose Trust formally recognises the contributions of major donors.

It is represented by four ranks – those of Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, and Commodore – reflecting the Flag Officer structure of the Royal Navy. The rankings are determined by the level of contributions to which the donor commits over a period of years.

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Why we need the support of major donors

The Mary Rose Trust is the custodian of not only a Tudor icon – the Mary Rose itself, reputedly the favourite fighting vessel of Henry VIII – but also a diverse and unique representation of everyday life in 16th century England. Our job to care for and conserve the Mary Rose and its contents, along with the remains of her crew and their personal effects. This is to ensure that this historically significant collection is passed on to future generations.

A key part of this objective is to inspire current generations through educational programmes and contemporary interpretation of the collection, while actively engaging with local communities. We aim to contribute positively to the general well-being, culture, and economy of all in our region.

The scale at which we can achieve these charitable objectives depends hugely on the Trust’s financial sustainability. This sustainability is underpinned by the performance of the Museum as a visitor attraction, since a large proportion of our revenue is derived from ticket and retail sales, and other commercial activities to engage the public.

Therefore, to maintain the Museum’s ongoing attractiveness to visitors we need to constantly refresh and renew our offering. This requires capital funding for special projects, for updated and enhanced technological features, as well as internal and external exhibitions – and this is where the generous input of major donors can be of specific help.

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Recognising the generosity of major donors

The Mary Rose Trust recognises the generosity of Flag Officers by:

  • Inscribing the Flag Officer’s name in a prominent position within the Museum
  • Commissioning a gold-embroidered cummerbund or sash – according to preference – denoting the rank held, together with the crest of the Mary Rose
  • Keeping members in touch by sending annual reports and other regular updates
  • Acknowledging support in Mary Rose publications

The honorary title applies for the lifetime of the holder – subject to upgrades resulting from any additional donations – while certain privileges are then accorded to each specific rank.

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Privileges applying to all Flag Officers

All rankings entitle the holder and up to three guests to visit the Museum at any time and on any number of occasions – subject to prior appointment, based on two weeks’ notice – to enjoy a private tour around the Museum and areas normally unseen by the public, such as the Reserve Collection. Tours are hosted either by the CEO or a member of our senior team. Exclusive access to the Wardroom is also available, offering a range of complimentary light refreshments and a space in which the party may relax between embarking upon other visits within Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.

Free entry for Flag Officers and their guests also applies to the other major attractions and museums at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. These include, among others, HMS Victory, Admiral Lord Nelson’s flagship; HMS Warrior, the world’s first iron-hulled, armoured battleship; and the National Museum of the Royal Navy, all located within the pleasing Georgian surroundings of the Historic Dockyard.

Additionally, on the Gosport side of Portsmouth Harbour, and accessible via the complimentary waterbus service, Flag Officers and their party can gain entry, again at no charge, to The Royal Navy Submarine Museum, located at Haslar, and the Explosion Museum of Naval Firepower, at Priddy’s Hard, which showcases the history of naval ordnance over the centuries.


Listed below are the special packages we offer to new Flag Officers.

Please note: all gifts may be paid by instalments over 5 years.


Commodores will be entitled to:

  • All events at which the President of the Mary Rose Trust (currently former HRH The Prince of Wales) will be in attendance
  • Other periodic social events
  • Lectures by well-known historians and other expert speakers (held periodically)
  • Previews of new exhibitions and other important Museum initiatives

Rear Admiral

Rear Admirals will be entitled to:

  • All events at which the President of the Mary Rose Trust (currently former HRH The Prince of Wales) will be in attendance
  • Other periodic social events
  • Lectures by well-known historians and other expert speakers (held periodically)
  • Previews of new exhibitions and other important Museum initiatives
  • A personal briefing with the CEO (on request)
  • A miniature replica of a Mary Rose sword

Vice Admiral

Vice Admirals will be entitled to:

  • All events at which the President of the Mary Rose Trust (currently former HRH The Prince of Wales) will be in attendance
  • Other periodic social events
  • Lectures by well-known historians and other expert speakers (held periodically)
  • Previews of new exhibitions and other important Museum initiatives
  • A personal briefing with the CEO or any other MRT Board Member (on request)
  • A full-sized replica of a Mary Rose sword


Admirals will be entitled to:

  • All events at which the President of the Mary Rose Trust (currently former HRH The Prince of Wales) will be in attendance
  • Other periodic social events
  • Lectures by well-known historians and other expert speakers (held periodically)
  • Previews of new exhibitions and other important Museum initiatives
  • A personal briefing with the CEO (on request)
  • A personal briefing with the CEO or any other MRT Board Member (on request)
  • A full-sized replica of a Mary Rose sword
  • A high-quality wooden model of the Mary Rose or a fine crafted scale model of a culverin in a glazed presentation case
  • The recognition of their gift in perpetuity
For further information, please contact:

Pippa Bostock, Director of Development

+44 (0)23 9275 0521

Mary Rose Trust, 1/10 College Road, H M Naval Base, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 1LX